I. General courses
1. CP02001. Food physics (2 credits: 2-0-6): Introduce the basic concepts in food physics; Mass and energy balance; Mass transfer in food industry; Food rheology; Heat transfer in food industry, Optical properties of food, Surface properties of food.
2. CP02008. General microbiology (2 credits: 1.5-0.5-6). This course includes: History, general characteristics and role of microorganisms; Group of prokaryotes; Group of eukaryotes; Non-cellular life - virus; Metabolism of microorganisms; Growth and development of microorganisms; Factors affecting growth and development of microorganisms.
3. KQ03107. Basics of Marketing 1 (2 credits: 2-0-6). Overview of marketing; Information systems and marketing reseachs; Marketing environment; Customer behavior reseachs; Market segmentation, target market selection and commodity positioning; Product strategy; Price strategy; Place strategy; Promotion strategy; Marketing organizational structure.
4. KQ03212. Principles of Management 1 (2 credits: 2-0-6). Overview of Management and Management Theories; Managers and Entepreneurs and Leaders; Managerial Information and Decision; Planning; Organizing; Leading; Controlling.
5. ML01020. Philosophy of marxism and Leninism. (3 Credit Hours: 3 – 0 – 9). The course is consist of the following content: Chapter 1: Outline of Philosophy and Marxism - Leninism philosophical school; Chapter 2: Dialectical Materialism ; Chapter 3: Historical Materialism
6. ML01021. Political economy of marxism and leninism (2 credits: 2–0–6) The course is consist of six chapters introducing the following content: Objective, research methodology, and function of Marxism – Leninism Political Economy; Commodity, market, and roles of economic agents; Surplus value; Competition and monopoly; Socialist-oriented market economy and relations of economic interest in Vietnam; Industrialization, modernization and international economic integration of Vietnam.
7. ML01022. Socialism (2 credits: 2–0–6) The course is consisted of the following content: Introduction to Scientific Socialism; Historical mission theory of the proletariat; Socialism and Socialist Transition; Socialist Democarcy and Socialist State; Structure of Social classes and League of social classes in the socialist transition; Issues of ethnicity and Religion in socialist transition; Issues of Family in socialist transition.
8. ML01023. Vietnamese Communist Party History (2 credits: 2–0–6)The course is consist of chapters: Objects, functions, tasks, content and methods of studying and studying History of the Communist Party of Vietnam, The Communist Party of Vietnam was born and led the struggle for power (1930-1945), The Party led the two resistance wars to complete the national liberation and reunification of the country (1945-1975); The Party led the country in the transition to socialism and carried out the renovation work (1975-2018), Conclusion on the great victories of the Vietnamese revolution and great lessons on the leadership of the Party.
9. ML01005. Ho Chi Minh Ideology (2 credits: 2–0–6). This course covers the following contents: Objectives, research methods and courses meanings; The foundation and process of Ho Chi Minh ideology’s formation and development; The idea of National issues and Revolutionary Liberation; The idea of Socialism and the road of transition to Socialism in Vietnam; The idea of the Communist Party of Vietnam; The idea of domestic ethnics’ unity and international solidarity; The idea of building a State of the people, by the people and for the people; The idea of culture, morals and new people.
10. ML01009. Introduction to Laws (2 credits: 2-0– 6). This course provides some basic theoretical issues of State and Laws. Basic background on Civil Law and Criminal Law. Basic background on Economic Law, Labour Law, Law on Marriage and Family. Basic background on Administrative Law and Law on the prevention and combat of corruption.
11. MT01004. Analytical Chemistry (2 credits: 1.5 – 0.5 - 6). The course aims to provide the basic knowledge in analytical chemistry for the students. The content of these lessons consists of three chapters as follows: Chapter 1: The basic concepts of analytical chemistry; Chapter 2: Gravimetric method of analysis; Chapter 3: Titrations in analytical chemistry.
12. MT01008. Ecology and Environment (2 credits: 2-0-6). The course introduces general concepts of ecology: populations, communities, ecosystem. Basic concepts of environment, resources, and pollution. Natural resources in reality: forest, soil, water, ocean and sea, atmosphere, mineral, energy. Main principles in sustainable exploitation of natural resources. The relationship between natural resources, environment and development.
13. MT02011 - Environmental Management (2 credits: 2-0-6). The environmental Management course consists 6 chapters and provides learners with the basis of Environmental management including objectives, contents, trends, and scientific foundations of environmental management to understand the government’s management system on the environmental protection. This course also analyzes a number of legal, economic, technical and other tools for the environmental management that applied for urban, industrial, and rural areas.
14. SN00010. Pre English (1 credits: 1-0-3). Picture Descriptions; Question & Responses; Short conversations & Short talk; Reading Comprehension; Revision.
15. SN00011. English 0 (2 credits: 2-0-6). Hello everybody!, Meeting people, The world of work, Take it easy!, Practice test.
16. SN01032. English 1 (3 credits: 3-0- 9). This course consists of five units at pre-intermediate level about the five topics including It’s a great job (Unit 1), Great vacations (Unit 2), Cities around the world (Unit 3), Wildlife (Unit 4), All about sports (Unit 5). In each unit, English grammar, vocabulary, and skills are provided and practiced by students through different parts: Start, Listening, Vocabulary, Grammar, Reading, Song/Culture, Pronunciation, Conversation Takeaway, Writing Takeaway, Test Takeaway. Prerequisite course: SN00011 - English 0.
17. SN01033. English 2 (3 credits: 3- 0- 9). This course consists of five units at pre-intermediate level about the five topics including Good luck, bad luck (Unit 1), My favorite things (Unit 2), Memorable experiences (Unit 3), I love chocolate (Unit 4), How can we help? (Unit 5). In each unit, English grammar, vocabulary, and skills are provided and practiced by students through different parts: Start, Listening, Vocabulary, Grammar, Reading, Song/Culture, Pronunciation, Conversation Takeaway, Writing Takeaway and Test Takeaway. Prerequisite course: SN00032 - English 1.
18. TH01007. Probability and Statistics (3 credits: 3–0– 9). This course consists of seven chapters: Descriptive statistics; Probability; Random variable; Sampling distributions; Estimation; Hypothesis testing; Simple linear regression model.
19. TH01009. Introduction to Informatics (2 credits: 1.5 – 0.5 – 6). The course consists of seven chapters: Introduction; Computer organization; Computer software and operating system; Computer networks and the Internet; The social issues of information technology; MS Word and MS PowerPoint; MS Excel.
20. TH01011. Advanced Mathematics (3 credits: 3-0-9). Matrix – Determinant – System of linear equations; Differential calculus of functions of single variable; Differential calculus of functions of multiple variables; Integral calculus of functions of single variable; Differential equation.
21. TH01018. Physics (2 credits: 2–0–6). The course covers the following contents: Unit measurement and unit conversion system, Mechanics, Thermal, Electrical and Magnetic, Wave optics, Atomic and nuclear physics.
II. Fundamental courses
22. CP02004. Food Chemistry (3 credits: 2-1-9). This course consists of both theory and practice. The theoretical section introduces structure, nutrition, sensory value and functional properties of the basic components of food including water, protein, glucid, lipid, pigment, aromatic compounds and toxic. The practical section includes practice lessons on analyzing some ingredients of food such as water, protein, pigments as well as changing during food (lipid).
23. CP02006. Nutrition. (2 credits: 1.5–0.5–6). This course covers: The role and needs of nutrients; Digestion and absorption of nutrients; Nutrition, illness and comunity health; Nutrition for different groups of people; Methods of assessment of nutritional status; Functional food; Food security; Parallel course: CP02004 - Food Chemistry
24. CP02007. Food safety (2 credits: 1.5-0.5-6). This course includes: Food poisoning caused by biological agents. Food poisoning caused by chemical agents: Toxins are formed and contagious by technical cultuvation; contamination of agricultural products and foods during storage; food poisoning during processing. Food poisoning caused by physical agents; Techniques for food safety and quality control.
25. CP02014. Food biochemistry (2 credits: 2-0-6). The course introduces enzymes, important biological catalysts involved in almost all of biochemical metabolic processes in food raw materials and food processing; the metabolism of key compounds such as protein, carbohydrate, lipid in living organisms/food; and important biochemical changes in some raw materials and food products.
26. CP02015. Food Engineering 1 (3 credits: 3-0-9). Introduction; Fluid flow in food processing; Heat transfer in food processing; Basic engineering principles and equipment of preservation process (pasteurization, sterilization); Basic engineering principles and equipment of food refrigeration and freezing; Basic engineering principles and equipment of size reduction process (cutting, grinding, milling, homogenization); Basic engineering principles and equipment of separation process (sedimentation, filtration, centrifugation); Basic engineering principles and equipment of mixing and forming.
27. CP02016. Food engineering 2 (2 Credits: 2-0-6). Introduction; Technological and equipment aspects of distillation process; Technological and equipment aspects of solid - liquid extraction process; Technological and equipment aspects of adsorption and ion exchange process; Technological and equipment aspects of evaporation process; Technological and equipment aspects of drying process; Technological and equipment aspects of crystallization process.
28. CP02017. Food engineering 3 (1 credit: 1-0-3). Introduction; Technological and equipment aspects of fermentation process; Technological and equipment aspects of enzymatic process.
29. CP02018. Food Processing Technology (3 credits: 3–0–9). This course covers the characteristics of food and theory in food processing; Prepare raw materials; Make small size; The process of mixing and shaping; Separation and concentration of food ingredients; Fermentation and enzyme technology; Blanching; Pasteurization, sterilization by heat; Evaporation and distillation; Extruded; Drying; Roast and grill; Fried; Direct and indirect heat processing; Freeze; Freeze drying; Coating; Packaging; Raw material management, product storage and distribution.
III. Specialized courses
30. CD00006. Descriptive Geometry and Engineering Drawing (2 credits: 2-0-6). Point, line, plane; Methods of projection; Methods of projection transformation; Line and plane. Standards for engineering drawing presentation; Geometric drawing; Object representation; Axonometric projection; Conventional representations of threads and joints; Conventional representations of gears and springs; Tolerance and surface roughness; Detail drawing; Assembly drawing; Diagram.
31. CD02611. Electrical Engineering (2 credits: 2-0-6). Basic concepts of electric circuits; Single phase sinusoidal alternating current (AC) circuits; Three-phase sinusoidal alternating current (AC) circuits; General concept of electric machines; Transformers; Asynchronous electric machines; Direct current (DC) electric machines; Electrical instruments for control of electric machines, electric equipment.
32. CD02301. Thermotechnics (2 credits: 2-0-6). Basic concepts of engineering thermodynamics; Laws of thermodynamics; Vapor and humid air; Fundamentals of heat transfer theory; Steady and unsteady heat transfer.
33. CD03433. Equipment in Food Technology (2 credits: 1.5-0.5-6). Equipment used in size reduction, expression, separation, weighing, mixing, drying, evaporation, packaging, sterilization, pasteurization, and chilling.
34. CP02012. Risk analysis (2 credits: 2-0-6). The course consists of 3 chapters with the following main contents: General introduction; Risk assement; Risk Management; Risk Communication. Prerequisite course:CP02007- Food safety
35. CP02019. Project on Food Processing Technology (1 credit : 0-1–3). This course covers: Introduction. Economic investment argument. Select technological proces and equipments; Product balance calculation; calculation of processing equipment capacity; energy calculation; constructive; economic efficiency. Prerequisite course: CP02018- Food processing technology.
36. CP02021. Food Engineering Project (1 credit: 1-0-3). This course guides students to understand contents, requirements to make a food engineering project; Options of project topics related to the field of food technology include: processes and equipment for heat transfer (heating, blanching, pasteurization, sterilization); mass transfer processes and equipment (evaporation, drying); processes and equipment for low temperature processing (chilling, freezing). Students implement project on process and equipment for manufacturing a certain food product.
37. CP03001. Management System and Quality Assurance (2 credits: 2-0-6). The course helps students understand the definitions of food, its constituents and affects food quality and food quality management and inspection activities. Equipping students with techniques for checking statistics in production. Module introduces some international quality management systems such as HACCP, ISO 9000, ISO 22000 and some other quality management programs. Prerequisite course: CP03007 - Food Microbiology
38. CP03002. Traditional Food (2 credits: 1.5-0.5-6). This course consists of following contents: Introduction of raw materials, production processes, factors affecting the production of some traditional products, from different sources of raw materials.
39. CP03003. Postharvest handling of agricultural products. (3 credits: 2.5-0.5-9). This course consists of: Factors causes affecting the nutritional quality, sensory quality and shelf life of harvested crop products; Principles and techniques of harvesting, preliminarily processing, preserving and managing the quality of harvested crop products; Post-harvest technology applies to a number of crop product groups.
40. CP03004. Food biotechnology (2credits: 1.5-0.5-6) Food biotechnology means biotechnology for food processing. This course provides knowledge of transgenic plants, and the application of technologies using yeast and products. The course also provides knowledge of the technologies that use bacteria and products, and microbial enzymes in food processing. The course also discusses the application of biotechnology in assessing the quality of food hygiene and safety. Prerequisite course: CP02008 - General microbiology
41. CP03006. Food Sensory Evaluation (2 credits: 1-1-6). The course consists of 4 chapters with following content: Sensory quality and food sensory analysis; The mechanism of action of the sensory organs; Sensory tests; Organizing sensory testing.
42. CP03007. Food Microbiology (2 credits: 1.5-0.5-6). This course consists of 5 chapters with the following contents: Food microflora; The fermentation process; The process of decomposing compounds containing nitrogen; The process of biosynthesis of substances with high biological activity by microorganisms; Methods to analyse microbiology in food. The course consists of 3 practical courses with the content: Determining the number of microorganisms in a food sample; Determination of fermentation ability of microorganisms; Determination of protein hydrolyzate and microbial enzyme biosynthesis.
43. CP03009. Refrigeration and Freezing Technology of Food (2 credits: 1.5-0.5-6). Concepts and basic principles of refrigeration. Basic thermodynamics for refrigeration; Principles and equipment of food refrigeration; Principles and equipment of food freezing; Technological parameters and equipment of refrigeration and freezing of food for preservation; Principles, techniques for thawing of frozen food; Processing technology of several frozen food products.
44. CP03011. Bean processing technology (2 credits: 1.5-0.5-6) General introduction of materials; Processing technology of bean-based products include: flour and green bean starch, green bean vermicelli, whole soybean flour, fat-separated soybean flour, concentrated soy protein, isolated soybean protein, structural protein products, soy milk,tempeh, soy sauce and miso.
45. CP03014. Optimization in Food engeneering (2credits: 2-0-6). General introduction to food science and technology; Theory of experimental design; Optimal experimental design models in food technology; Application of information technology and optimal processing software in experimental design to optimize problems in the food industry.
46. CP03015. Food plant sanitation (2 credits: 1.5-0.5-6). This course consists of concepts of food plant sanitation; The relationship between biosecurity, microorganisms, allergens and sanitation for food processing; Food contamination sources; Personal hygiene and sanitary food handling; The role of HACCP in sanitation; Cleaning compounds, sanitizers and sanitizing methods; Sanitation equipment; Waste product handling; Pest control; Sanitary design and construction for food processing; Quality assurance for sanitation.
47. CP03016. Food storage (2 credits: 1.5-0.5-6). This course consists of: The concept of food, the importance of food preservation and the status of food preservation in Vietnam; Characteristics of food; Causes of food spoilage and food preservation principles; Food preservation methods; Preservation technology for some main foods. Prerequisite course: CP02004. Food Chemistry
48. CP03018. Coffee, cacao processing technology (2 credits: 1.5-0.5-6). Raw materials for processing coffee and cocoa; Technology of processing green coffee; Production techniques of roasted and instant coffee; Cocoa technology. Prerequisite subject: CP02017 - Food engineering 3.
49. CP03020. Tea processing technology (2 credits: 1.5-0.5-6). General introduction; Raw materials in tea processing; Black tea processing technology; Green tea processing technology; Semi-femented teas processing technology. Prerequisite subject: CP02017 - Food engineering 3.
50. CP03019. Technology for processing vegetable oil (2 credits: 1.5 – 0.5 – 6). This course covers: Chemical vegetable oil; Raw materials for Vegetable oil processing; Technology to exploit vegetable oil; Refined vegetable oil processing; Vegetable oil Quality inspection; Vegetable oil processing. Prerequisite course: CP02017 - Food Engineering 3.
51. CP03021. Meat Processing Technology (2 credits: 1.5-0.5-6). Muscle structure and meat composition; Slaughtering and classification of meat; Postmortem biochemistry; Meat storage and processing; Meat Products. Prerequisite course: CP02004 - Food Chemistry
52. CP03022. Food additives (2 credits: 1.5-0.5-6). This course introduces concepts, current situation and legal regulations on food additives; Classification, physico-chemical characteristics as well as applications of each group Food additives: Food preservative additives; Additives change the food structure; Additives improve the organoleptic properties of the food product; Additives support food processing technology and Enzyme used in food processing.
53. CP03023. Food Legistration (2 credits: 1-1-6). General introduction of food legistration; Standardization and Food regulations; Food Safety Administration; The system of legal documents on food safety; Regulations on food safety management; Food legistration in the world.
54. CP03025. Project on Quality Management (1 credit: 1-0-3). This course includes: Technological process of food products; Building a quality management system according to ISO 9001-2008; HACCP planning.
55. CP03026. Food Testing (3 credits: 2.5-0.5-9). This course consists of: Introduction of food testing, the reality of food testing in the world and in Vietnam, challenges in analysis and food testing, safety principles in food analysis and testing; Steps for sampling, sample preparation and conducting sensory tests, testing of microbiological criteria in food, testing of some inorganic and organic ingredients in food.
56. CP03028. Alcoholic beverage processing technology (2 credits: 1.5-0.5-6). Technology for alcohol production; Technology for wine production; Technology for beer production. Prerequisite course: CP02017- Food Engineering 3
57. CP03029. Enzyme technology (2 credits: 2-0-6).The course consists of 5 chapters with the following contents: basic characteristics, kinetics, naming, enzyme classification, enzyme activity, separation and purification of enzyme, enzyme immobilization and application of enzymes in foodstuffs to make assurance quality and safe food products.
58. CP03030. Functional food (2 credits: 1.5 – 0.5 – 6). This course covers: Functional food overview; Micronutrients; free radicals and antioxidants; probiotics, prebiotics and synbiotics; Lipids and Functional food; Natural compounds and extraction.
59. CP03034. Food Toxicology (2 credits: 1.5-0.5-6). This course consists of following contents: Journey of toxins in the body: the ways of invading, metabolizing and eliminating toxins; Introduction about the types of toxins formed during the processing and storage of food products, the manifestations of intoxication and preventive measures; Introdution the naturally occurring toxins, available in foods.
60. CP03035. Food Fermentation Technology (2 credits: 1.5-0.5-6). This course includes: Basic principles of fermentation technology; Technology for selection, improvement and preservation of microorganisms; Nutritional requirement and fermentation medium; Characteristics and techniques of fermentation systems; Fermentation equipment; The recovery and purification of fermentation products. Fermentation wastewater treatment. Prerequisite course: CP03007 Food microbiology.
61. CP03039. Food Packaging (2 credits: 1.5-0.5-6). This course consists of: classification and functions of food packaging; Distinguishing trade names, goods labels, trademarks and food brands, regulations on food labeling; Designing labels for food packaging; Characteristics and properties of materials used for food packaging and their applications in packaging; Technologies for packaging and filling solid and liquid foods and specific cases; Methods of sealing food packaging; The impact of waste from food packaging and solutions to limit their harm to the environment. Prerequisite course: CP03003: Postharvest handling of agricultural products.
62. CP03050. Food supply chain management and traceability (2 credits: 2-0-6). This course consists of: Supply Chain Management; Food Supply Chain Management; Traceability in Food and agricultural products. Prerequisite course: CP03003-Postharvest handling of agricultural products.
63. CP03051. Inspection Techniques in Food safety (2 credits: 1-1-6). This course includes: Mission and Authority of agencies performing food safety inspection; General principles in food safety inspection; Principles of planning and organizing for food safety inspection; Sampling techniques for food safety inspection.
64. CP03052. Food Product Development (2 credits: 1.5-0.5-6). General introduction; The basic knowledge for product development; The consumer in product development; The product development process. Prerequisite course: CP02017 - Food engineering 3.
65. CP03054. Confectionery processing technology (2 creitds: 1.5-0.5-6). Confectionery classification; Raw materials in confectionery production; Biscuits production technology; Introduction of spice cakes and other types of cakes; Candy production technology. Prerequisite course: CP02017 - Food engineering 3.
66. CP03056. Cereal Processing Technology (2 credits: 1.5-0.5-6). Scientific basis of cereals; Starch production; Production of rice and rice products; Production of wheat flour products. Prerequisite course: CP02017 - Food engineering 3.
67. CP03057. Fruit and Vegetable Processing Technology (2 credits: 1.5-0.5-6). This course introduces the role of fruit and vegetable in human life, the importance of fruit and vegetable processing in the national economy. Raw materials: general information and quality change during processing. Processing tecnology that add value to fruits and vegetables include: Canning; Pickling vegetables; Wine making; Freezing. Prerequisite course: CP02017 - Food engineering 3.
68. CP03058. Milk Processing Technology (2 credits: 1.5-0.5-6). Milk composition and factors affecting milk quality and yield. Milk processing and Milk products. Prerequisite course: CP02017 - Food engineering 3.
69. CP03065. Good Agricultural Practices. (2 credits: 1.5 – 0.5 - 6). This course consists of: importance of good agricultural practices in the agricultural supply chain and standards of good agricultural practices around the world and in Vietnam. Key points in good agricultural practices (GAP) are applied in crop production and in animal husbandry and aquaculture.
70. CP03066. Food borne disease (2 credits: 1,5-0,5-6). This course includes: Relationship between food, pathogens, infection and its impact on public health, economy and society; Foodborne illness caused by viruses; Foodborne illness caused by bacteria; Foodborne illness is caused by protozoa and helminths; Foodborne infections caused by chemical agents; Food contamination monitoring and food-borne disease control. Prerequisite course: CP02008- General microbiology.
71. CP03067. Industrial catering management (2 credits: 1.5-0.5-6). This course consists of: The concept of industrial cartering; Conditions of facilities, equipment, tools and people in industrial cartering; Operating industrial cartering: and Food safety and hygiene for industrial cartering. Prerequisite course: CP03003.Postharvest handling of agricultural products
72. CP03068. Molecular Biological Methods in Food Analysis (2credits: 2-0-6). Analytical targets of food; Sample preparation and purification methods of analytical targets in food; Molecular biological methods and their application in food analysis: Polymerase Chain Reaction, Realtime PCR, Polymerase Chain Reaction– Restriction fragment Lenghth Polymorphism (PCR-RFLP), Single stranded Conformation Polymorphism(SSCP), Sequencing, Southern blot, Biosensor…; Immunological methods and their application in food analysis: Enzyme-Linked Immuno-Sorbent Assay (ELISA), Lateral Flow Assay (FLA), Real time Biosensor, Immunoblotting.
73. CP03070. Food Safety and Hygiene: Communication and education (2 credits: 1.5-0.5-6). This course consists of: Some general issues about food hygiene and safety, the causes of food pollution; law on information, education and communication on food safety and hygiene; introducing methods and communication skills, solutions to improve the effectiveness of communication and education on food safety and hygiene; some guidelines for practicing food hygiene and safety. Prerequisite course: CP02007- Food safety .
74. CP03071. Foodborne Illness Outbreak Management (2 credits: 1.5-0.5-6). This course includes: General introduction; Epidemiological characteristics of food poisoning; Principles of food poisoning control; Monitoring, investigation, statistics of food poisoning. Prerequisite course: CP02007 - Food safety.
75. CP03078. Internship (13 credits: 0-13-39). The course includes professional internship activities at enterprises, state management agencies, and organizations in the field of food science and technology.
76. CP04998. Thesis (10 credits: 0-10-30). In the course, students are guided by lecturers to apply the knowledge, experience and scientific research methods obtained in the program to implement a scientific research project or an applied project in the field of food science and technology such as preliminary processing, preservation of agricultural products, processing and food products development, nutrition and public health, food safety and quality management... Finally, the students will be instructed by the supervisors to write a thesis and defend it in front of an examination board. Prerequisite subject: CP03078- Internship, MT02040 Food Analysis
77. MT02040. Food Analysis (2 credits: 1,5-0,5-6). This course includes basic knowledge, classification of analysis methods as well as basic steps in instrumental analysis of food, sampling and preparation, spectroscopy methods, methods of extraction
78. SN03022. English for Food Science and Technology (2 credits: 2-0-6). This course includes: Raw material; Expression; Size reduction; Chilling and freezing; Processing by application of heat; Dehydration, Freeze drying and Freeze concentration; Batch and continuous processing; Fermentation, mixing and forming; Packaging