In line with the 2024 activity plan of the project “Developing human resources for agriculture and food-related fields through ASEAN universities” (ASEAN - MAFF – HRD phase 4), Vietnam National University of Agriculture has organized the training course “Food Safety Management 2024”. This course is coordinated by the ASEAN Secretariat, with instructors from the Food Safety Department of Ecore Co., Ltd. The course is divided into two sessions, focusing on two main topics: Session 1: Training on Food Safety: from July 2-4, 2043. Session 2: Training on System Auditing: from September 25-26, 2024. After the course, participants must complete a competency test and will receive a certificate issued by the Japan Food Safety Management Association upon fulfilling all course requirements.

To facilitate connections with the Japanese organizing committee and provide those interested the opportunity to access this high-quality international training course, the organizers chose to hold the sessions both in-person at the university and online via Zoom. 20 traineees were selected from over 80 applicants, including staff currently working in food safety management agencies in various provinces, university lecturers teaching food technology, researchers in food institutes, graduate students, as well as leaders and quality management staff at food production companies.

On the morning of July 2, 2024, the course officially kicked off at the Faculty of Food Technology, Vietnam National University of Agriculture. After three days of intensive study, the participants completed the training content on Food Safety, took the exam, and were recognized as eligible to continue to the next part of the training course. On September 25-26, 2024, the course continued with content on Audit. Joining the second training session at the university were Mr. Takefumi Sonoda, Assistant Coordinator, and Ms. Deandra Arifianti Wisnuputri, project staff from the ASEAN Secretariat. The Japanese lecturers included Mr. Jumpei Saito and Mr. Syoichi Sakai from the Food Safety Department of Ecore Co., Ltd. On the afternoon of September 26, 2024, the course officially closed with the presence of Ms. Kazuko Takabatake, the project coordinator (online), officials from the ASEAN Secretariat, and lecturers from Ecore Co., Ltd. From the Academy, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Nguyen Hoang Anh, Dean of the Faculty of Food Technology also attended the closing ceremony.

Representing the organizing committee of the course from VNUA, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Nguyen Thi Bich Thuy, HRD project coordinator of Vietnam, summarized the preparation and implementation process of the training course, particularly emphasizing the value and significance of the Food Safety Management course. She also expressed gratitude on behalf of the Vietnamese organizing committee to the funding agency: the Japanese Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry, and Fisheries through the HRD project – phase 4, especially to Ms. Kazuko Takabatake, the project coordinator; the project coordinating agency: the ASEAN Secretariat, especially Mr. Takefumi Sonoda, Assistant Coordinator, and Ms. Deandra Arifianti Wisnuputri; and the four lecturers from the Food Safety Department of Ecore Co., Ltd. Thanks were also extended to the leaders of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development, and the President board of Vietnam National University of Agriculture for their trust, support, and facilitation that allowed the Food Science and Technology Faculty, project coordinators, lecturers, and staff to successfully organize the course.

After the speech given by Associate Professor Dr. Nguyen Thi Bich Thuy, Ms. Kazuko Takabatake, the project coordinator and representative of the ASEAN Secretariat, also delivered the closing remarks. On behalf of the organizing committee from Japan, Ms. Kazuko expressed her gratitude to the Vietnam National University of Agriculture and the staff who helped organize the course. She also congratulated the 20 trainees who completed the program. In her speech, Ms. Kazuko Takabatake emphasized that the content of the Food Safety Management course provided knowledge about HACCP, Japan's food safety management system, and evaluation methods. This was a rich and useful course aimed at equipping learners with both knowledge and skills related to food safety management through lectures and group exercises. She believes that the trainees, after gaining this knowledge and these skills, will apply them in management and professional work, helping to shape their futures, and hopes they will become leaders in the field of food management in Vietnam

The Vietnam National University of Agriculture hopes that, in addition to acquiring valuable and useful knowledge and skills in food safety management from Japan, the participants in this training course will maintain connections, forming professional networks to continue exchanging, learning, and enhancing their capacities, making practical contributions to improving food safety quality in Vietnam and the region.

 Figure 1. Japanese lecturers from the Food Safety Department, Ecore Co., Ltd., and Mr. Takefumi Sonada, Project HRD Assistant Coordinator


Figure 2. Trainees participating directly at the Vietnam National University  of Agriculture 



Figure 3. Trainees participating the course online


 Figure 4. Ms. Kazuko Takabatake, project coordinator giving the closing speech


 Figure 5. The organizers and trainees taking a commemorative photo

Faculty of food science and technology