General introduction
Dean board
Scientific committee and assistants
Organization chart
Department of food processing technology
Deparment of postharvest technology
Department of biochemistry and food biotechnology
Department of food safety and quality management
Department of food science and nutrition
Central Laboratory of Food Science and Technology
Undergraduate training program
Training program
Expected learning outcomes
Course content and workload
Leaflet of courses 2021
Graduate training program
Research orientation
Research team
Research projects
International research projects
Vietnam - Belgium research projects granted by Belgium
Research projects granted by Govement -Ministry
Research projects granted by Province
Key research projects granted by Vnua
Research projects granted by Vnua
Student research projects
Scientific Paper
Scientific articles in the country
International scientific articles
Technology transfer
In vietnam
International cooperation
Luong dinh cua library and information center
Faculty documentation room
Trang chủ
General introduction
Dean board
Scientific committee and assistants
Department of food processing technology
Department of biochemistry and food biotechnology
Department of food science and nutrition
Department of food safety and quality management
Deparment of postharvest technology
Central laboratory of food science and technology
Undergraduate training program
Expected learning outcomes
Training program
Course portfolio
Leaflet of courses 2021
Graduate training program
Research orientation
Technology transfer
Research team
Scientific paper
Scientific articles in the country
International scientific articles
Research Projects
International research projects
Vietnam - Belgium research projects granted by Belgium
Research projects granted by Govement - Ministry
Research projects granted by Province
Key research projects granted by Vnua
Research projects granted by Vnua
Student research projects
Trang chủ
News and events
GMT +7
News and events
Food safety culture: Sharing experiences from international experts
Food safety has been, is, and will continue to be a global concern, particularly in Vietnam, as it is closely related to human health. Numerous measures have been implemented to ensure and improve food safety. However, the key to success in guaranteeing food safety lies in people's awareness, actions, and behaviors regarding this issue.
Vegetarian and some discussions on human nutritional needs
From a scientific perspective, common knowledge about nutrition agrees that the human body requires a complete range of nutrients to function well. Many diseases caused by nutrient deficiencies have been reported, and recommendations for the dosage of certain nutrients have been established. For example, the recommended daily intake of calcium for adults aged 19–50 is 1000 mg/day, or for iodine, 140 µg/day
A transport route of peptides to the brain
It was well known that dietary di/tripeptides elicit preventive effects against lifestyle-related diseases such as hypertension, and hypercholesterolemia, etc. Although there have been evidential reports that the intake of protein hydrolysate improved impaired memory in humans, limited studies on bioavailability, in particular, beyond the blood-brain barrier (BBB) of candidates in hydrolysate may prevent their extensive physiological studies
Training for improvement of food safety management and practices
In line with the 2024 activity plan of the project “Developing human resources for agriculture and food-related fields through ASEAN universities” (ASEAN - MAFF – HRD phase 4), Vietnam National University of Agriculture has organized the training course “Food Safety Management 2024”.
Food science and technology solutions for global food security
Training on “Foodborne Pathogen Control in Food Processing Premises”
Controlling foodborne pathogens in food processing facilities is essential not only for safeguarding public health but also for bolstering Vietnam's food import and export activities. To provide a foundational understanding of foodborne pathogens caused by harmful microorganisms, and to explore effective strategies and best practices, the Microbiology and Food Safety Research Group, in collaboration with Malaysian experts, hosted a seminar on September 4, 2024, titled "Foodborne Pathogen Control in Food Processing Premises".
Workshop on One health and Food safety
One Health is an integrated approach that recognizes the interconnectedness of human, animal, and environmental health. Food safety plays a crucial role within this framework, as the safety and quality of food have direct impacts on human health, animal welfare, and environmental sustainability. Therefore, to enhance awareness and promote collaboration among scientists working in several fields related to food safety, the Research group on Microbiology and Food Safety organized an workshop titled "One Health and Food Safety" on August 23rd , 2024.
Degeneration of Cordyceps militaris Strains: The Role of the MAT Mating-Type Locus
Cordyceps militaris, a highly valued medicinal mushroom, is known for its numerous health benefits. However, cultivation of this fungus faces a significant challenge: strain degeneration. This phenomenon leads to decreased yield and quality of the final product. Among the factors contributing to degeneration, the MAT (Mating-type) gene system is considered to play a critical role. This paper aims to analyze the role of the MAT system in the degeneration of Cordyceps militaris strains.
LUTEIN - Food industry processing
Lutein form part of the xanthophyll family of carotenoids; it is usually found in flowers, grains, fruits and vegetables, such as spinach and kale. The lutein market is segmented into pharmaceutical, dietary supplement, food, and animal and fish feed industries. Luitein principal application is to brighten the colors of poultry feathers and deepen the yellow of egg yolk.
Training and technical guidance on development and quality ensure of lotus and fish products in Siphandone - Laos
In the face of increasing climate change, preserving ecosystems and ensuring food safety are major challenges. The Lao government and international organizations such as ADB and WWF have implemented strategies to protect the area and diversify the livelihoods of local people. From July 28 to August 3, 2024, the working group including Ass. Prof. Nguyen Thi Thanh Thuy and Dr. Vu Quynh Huong went on a business trip to connect and share the group's capabilities with Lao organizations in Siphandone. This area, known for its 4,000 islands, represents an important ecosystem of the Mekong River and the largest source of fish in Laos.
Renewable Energy for Food Processing
Currently there are many countries in the world, including countries in the Mekong River region that are facing challenges related to climate change and its impact on food systems. Innovations to foster the resilience of the agriculture sector have been increasing for years, such as climate-smart agriculture (CSA). These climate-smart technologies can be practices, equipment, and methodologies that increase productivity, enhance resilience (adaptation), and reduce greenhouse gases (mitigation) where possible in agricultural and food processes.