General introduction
Dean board
Scientific committee and assistants
Organization chart
Department of food processing technology
Deparment of postharvest technology
Department of biochemistry and food biotechnology
Department of food safety and quality management
Department of food science and nutrition
Central Laboratory of Food Science and Technology
Undergraduate training program
Training program
Expected learning outcomes
Course content and workload
Leaflet of courses 2021
Graduate training program
Research orientation
Research team
Research projects
International research projects
Vietnam - Belgium research projects granted by Belgium
Research projects granted by Govement -Ministry
Research projects granted by Province
Key research projects granted by Vnua
Research projects granted by Vnua
Student research projects
Scientific Paper
Scientific articles in the country
International scientific articles
Technology transfer
In vietnam
International cooperation
Luong dinh cua library and information center
Faculty documentation room
Trang chủ
General introduction
Dean board
Scientific committee and assistants
Department of food processing technology
Department of biochemistry and food biotechnology
Department of food science and nutrition
Department of food safety and quality management
Deparment of postharvest technology
Central laboratory of food science and technology
Undergraduate training program
Expected learning outcomes
Training program
Course portfolio
Leaflet of courses 2021
Graduate training program
Research orientation
Technology transfer
Research team
Scientific paper
Scientific articles in the country
International scientific articles
Research Projects
International research projects
Vietnam - Belgium research projects granted by Belgium
Research projects granted by Govement - Ministry
Research projects granted by Province
Key research projects granted by Vnua
Research projects granted by Vnua
Student research projects
Trang chủ
News and events
GMT +7
News and events
Usinh protex 51FP as a starter for accelerating fish sauce fermentation from anchovy (Stolephorus commersonii)
Fish sauce is produced in most Asian countries (Park et al., 2001). Each country has its own unique taste of fish source depending on the nutritional value and sensory quality. Manufacturing methods are often standardized within regions or villages, but they are varying due to local customs and fish species used.
Strengthening training capacity in Food Analysis in the context of the Covid 19 pandemic response
Within the framework of the HRD Project "Human resource development in the food sector through cooperation between Japan and ASEAN universities" funded and chaired by the Japanese Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries, together with the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development of Vietnam, with the coordination of the ASEAN Secretariat, Vietnam National University of Agriculture (VNUA) organized a training course on Food Analysis from April 5, 2022 to April 8, 2022.
Distinguishing European baking powders
There are many ways to classify flour. However, when choosing flour for baking, it is often based on the protein content of the flour. The higher the protein, the "healthier", when kneading the dough, the protein will convert into stronger and tougher gluten fibers, helping to create a firm texture for the cake.
Researchers uncover how Listeria infects the brain
Listeria monocytogenes is responsible for listeriosis, a severe foodborne illness that can lead to a central nervous system infection called neurolisteriosis. This infection is fatal in 30 percent of cases, said researchers.
Antibiotics in Food: Should You Be Concerned?
Antibiotics are drugs used to treat bacterial infections. They are widely used in animal agriculture to treat disease and promote growth. Excessive antibiotic use can increase resistant bacteria, making the antibiotics less effective for both animals and humans
Ubiquitous food additive alters human microbiota and intertinal environment
Carboxymethylcellulose (CMC) is a widely used food additive, termed emulsifiers, which are added to many processed foods to enhance texture and promote shelf life. CMC has not been extensively tested in humans but has been increasingly used in processed foods since the 1960s.
What is the difference between intelligent packaging and active packaging in food sector?
ntelligent packaging is capable of informing the consumer, or others within the food supply chain, about the state of the food or the environment that the food has been kept in.
Research suggests link between sweeteners and infant obesity risk
Many people use low-calorie sweeteners as a healthier alternative to sugar, but they may have some unexpected effects in pregnancy. While they are largely non-toxic in adults, previous research suggests that prenatal consumption by mothers can affect obesity risk and the microbiome in infants.
Fiber and chronic non-communicable disease
Fiber is a type of carbohydrate that the body can’t digest. Though most carbohydrates are broken down into sugar molecules, fiber cannot be broken down into sugar molecules, and instead it passes through the body undigested. Fiber helps regulate the body’s use of sugars, helping to keep hunger and blood sugar in check.
Important roles and absorption of bioactive peptides in the prevention of lifestyle-related diseases
In modern society, lifestyle-related diseases concomitant with chronic diseases, such as atherosclerosis, heart disease, stroke, obesity, and type 2 diabetes, have been rapidly increased as a critical public health issue in the world [1]. It is estimated that there are approximately 60 million deaths worldwide each year, in which over half are related to lifestyle-related diseases.
Chemicals in food continue to be a top food safety concern among consumers
Our takeaway is that consumers continue to be concerned about chemicals in food, partly because they are not confident that the federal government is actually ensuring additives are safe. Therefore, they do their best to try and protect their health and safety by avoiding ingredients that sound like chemicals – the only way they see to control the perceived risk.