General introduction
Dean board
Scientific committee and assistants
Organization chart
Department of food processing technology
Deparment of postharvest technology
Department of biochemistry and food biotechnology
Department of food safety and quality management
Department of food science and nutrition
Central Laboratory of Food Science and Technology
Undergraduate training program
Training program
Expected learning outcomes
Course content and workload
Leaflet of courses 2021
Graduate training program
Research orientation
Research team
Research projects
International research projects
Vietnam - Belgium research projects granted by Belgium
Research projects granted by Govement -Ministry
Research projects granted by Province
Key research projects granted by Vnua
Research projects granted by Vnua
Student research projects
Scientific Paper
Scientific articles in the country
International scientific articles
Technology transfer
In vietnam
International cooperation
Luong dinh cua library and information center
Faculty documentation room
Trang chủ
General introduction
Dean board
Scientific committee and assistants
Department of food processing technology
Department of biochemistry and food biotechnology
Department of food science and nutrition
Department of food safety and quality management
Deparment of postharvest technology
Central laboratory of food science and technology
Undergraduate training program
Expected learning outcomes
Training program
Course portfolio
Leaflet of courses 2021
Graduate training program
Research orientation
Technology transfer
Research team
Scientific paper
Scientific articles in the country
International scientific articles
Research Projects
International research projects
Vietnam - Belgium research projects granted by Belgium
Research projects granted by Govement - Ministry
Research projects granted by Province
Key research projects granted by Vnua
Research projects granted by Vnua
Student research projects
Trang chủ
News and events
GMT +7
News and events
Resistant Starch from Tieuhong Banana variety: Products and Applications
Tieuhong banana variety is a fruit tree with high economic value, outstanding quality because of its beautiful yellow color, delicious taste, firm and not sour as other banana varieties. In particularly, Tieuhong bananas propagated by tissue culture method have uniform size, less disease, harvest in short time and 10 – 20 % higher yield than by bud method.
Plant protein – base alternatives of reconstructed meat: science, technology and challenges
Protein is the core of developing plant-based alternatives because they largely determine the food product texture. Almost all plant proteins can be used as a building block for meat alternatives, but soy and pea proteins (legume seeds or pulses) are most widely used due to their abundant availability and low cost.
Methyl jasmonate – a new postharvest management approaches for maintaining quality of fruits and vegetables
Methyl jasmonate (MeJA), the derivative of Jasmonic acid (JA), has been found to occur naturally in a wide range of higher plants. JA and MeJA are volatile fatty compounds, derived from the family of octadecanoic fatty acids, and synthesized from linolenic acid membrane of chloroplast.
Small tuna - Potential raw material for high value-added food processing in Vietnam
Tuna belongs to the family of Scombridae and is the most important economic fish species of Vietnam’s waters. This kind of marine fish widely distributed in several seas of Vietnam includes many species divided into two main groups: ocean tuna and small tuna. Ocean tuna includes big tuna such as yellowfin tuna (Thunnus albacares) and bigeye tuna (Thunnus obesus), which are often used for export as frozen loins or whole fish. Small tuna is usually 20 - 70 cm in size and 0.5 - 4 kg in weight.
Escherichia coli - the source of infection and how to prevent it
Escherichia coli (E. coli) is a bacterium that is commonly found in the gut of humans and warm-blooded animals. Most strains of E. coli are harmless. Some strains however, such as Shiga toxin-producing E. coli (STEC), can cause severe foodborne disease. It is transmitted to humans primarily through consumption of contaminated foods, such as raw or undercooked ground meat products, raw milk, and contaminated raw vegetables and sprouts.
“Sous vide” - Advanced cooking technology to improve food quality
Sous vide is known to be one of the cooking techniques proposed in 1799 by Benjamin Thompson, but it was not until 1960 that the technique was applied by Americans and French to food preservation. By 1974, chef Georges Pralus working at the Troisgros restaurant (Roanne, France) has carefully applied Sous vide to cook foie gras
French gastro surveillance marked by Covid-19 and large outbreak
France has recorded a historic decrease in acute gastroenteritis that public health officials have linked to measures in place during the COVID-19 pandemic.
What's To Gain From Eu-Vietnam Trade Agreement
The EU-Vietnam Free Trade Agreement (EVFTA) is a new generation FTA between Vietnam and 28 European Union member states.It is a comprehensive and high-quality agreement which ensures balanced benefits for both Vietnam and the EU, with consideration for the differences in development levels between the two sides.
Nutritional differences between milk and plant-based drinks
Milk and milk products are part of the everyday diet of many. Milk naturally contains essential nutrients like protein, calcium, potassium, phosphor, iodine and vitamins B2 and B12. In recent years, there has been increasing interest in beverages based on soy, coconut, oat, rice and nuts
Fruit jam– process details (Household size)
Jam is a product made from puree, juice or pulp with sugar, pectin and acid. There are 3 kinds of jam: Jelly, Jam and Marmalade. Jelly is a jam made from juice. Jam is made from puree and Marmalade is made from whole or cut fruit. Product can be used in breakfast, tea, filling, served with bread.
Researchers examine Listeria tolerance to sanitizers
The project, titled “Possibility, duration and molecular predictors of sanitizer tolerance in Listeria monocytogenes,” is examining the potential for resistance to chlorine and quaternary ammonium compounds. The research will evaluate how different sanitizer levels and lengths of exposure affect the degree of tolerance in selected Listeria strains.