General introduction
Dean board
Scientific committee and assistants
Organization chart
Department of food processing technology
Deparment of postharvest technology
Department of biochemistry and food biotechnology
Department of food safety and quality management
Department of food science and nutrition
Central Laboratory of Food Science and Technology
Undergraduate training program
Training program
Expected learning outcomes
Course content and workload
Leaflet of courses 2021
Graduate training program
Research orientation
Research team
Research projects
International research projects
Vietnam - Belgium research projects granted by Belgium
Research projects granted by Govement -Ministry
Research projects granted by Province
Key research projects granted by Vnua
Research projects granted by Vnua
Student research projects
Scientific Paper
Scientific articles in the country
International scientific articles
Technology transfer
In vietnam
International cooperation
Luong dinh cua library and information center
Faculty documentation room
Trang chủ
General introduction
Dean board
Scientific committee and assistants
Department of food processing technology
Department of biochemistry and food biotechnology
Department of food science and nutrition
Department of food safety and quality management
Deparment of postharvest technology
Central laboratory of food science and technology
Undergraduate training program
Expected learning outcomes
Training program
Course portfolio
Leaflet of courses 2021
Graduate training program
Research orientation
Technology transfer
Research team
Scientific paper
Scientific articles in the country
International scientific articles
Research Projects
International research projects
Vietnam - Belgium research projects granted by Belgium
Research projects granted by Govement - Ministry
Research projects granted by Province
Key research projects granted by Vnua
Research projects granted by Vnua
Student research projects
Trang chủ
News and events
GMT +7
News and events
Fiber and chronic non-communicable disease
Fiber is a type of carbohydrate that the body can’t digest. Though most carbohydrates are broken down into sugar molecules, fiber cannot be broken down into sugar molecules, and instead it passes through the body undigested. Fiber helps regulate the body’s use of sugars, helping to keep hunger and blood sugar in check.
Important roles and absorption of bioactive peptides in the prevention of lifestyle-related diseases
In modern society, lifestyle-related diseases concomitant with chronic diseases, such as atherosclerosis, heart disease, stroke, obesity, and type 2 diabetes, have been rapidly increased as a critical public health issue in the world [1]. It is estimated that there are approximately 60 million deaths worldwide each year, in which over half are related to lifestyle-related diseases.
Chemicals in food continue to be a top food safety concern among consumers
Our takeaway is that consumers continue to be concerned about chemicals in food, partly because they are not confident that the federal government is actually ensuring additives are safe. Therefore, they do their best to try and protect their health and safety by avoiding ingredients that sound like chemicals – the only way they see to control the perceived risk.
Nutritional value of bitter melon fruit
Bitter melon is also rich in folic acid. Folic acid is necessary for the growth and repair of every cell in the body. Folic acid is needed for the growth and repair of hair, skin and nails. Folic acid is an essential vitamin B, therefore, everyone needs it in order to stay in good health.
Internship for students majoring in Food Technology and Business during the pandemic Covid 19
Although the Covid-19 epidemic is raging, it still cannot prevent the spirit of learning and the ability to cope with the pandemic of teachers and students of Faculty of Food Science &Technology (FST) of Vietnam National University of Agriculture (VNUA). Staying at home for more than a long month because of the epidemic, we are finally able to return to school.
Fundamental aspects of hot water treatment for fruits and vegetables
Fruits and vegetables are susceptible to many postharvest diseases caused by a large number of fungal pathogens. The use of fungicides has been a popular and effective strategy to control these diseases. However, it is becoming limited due to concerns about human health and the environment. Hot water treatment (HWT) is a completely human-health safe technique to control postharvest decay in fruits and vegetables.
Glycemic index in diabetes
Diabetes is one of the three leading causes of death worldwide and in Vietnam in recent years. According to WHO statistics, in 2016 there were 4.22 million people worldwide with diabetes problems not only in developed countries but also in low- and middle-income countries. Diabetes causes the death of 43% of elderly people aged 70 and over.
Feelings about professional internships during the Covid-19 pandemic
Hello, I'm Nhat Anh, currently a K63 student majoring in Food Technology and Business, Faculty of Food Science &Technology (FST) of Vietnam National University of Agriculture (VNUA). According to the training plan for the academic year 2020-2021, from May 17, 2021 to June 27, 2021, I and 173 other students went for a professional internship.
Study uncovers many strains of pathogenic E.coli in German flour
Researchers have found a wide distribution and high diversity of Shiga toxin-producing E.coli (STEC) in German flour. Recent outbreaks associated with contaminated flour and undercooked dough have been reported in the United States and Canada.
Probiotic coffee and tea drinks
Coffee and tea are two of the most popular drinks around the world, and are both plant-based infusions. As such, they act as a perfect vehicle for carrying and delivering probiotics to consumers. Most commercially available probiotic coffee and tea drinks are unfermented. Our team has created a new range of these beverages using the fermentation process as it produces healthy compounds that improve nutrient digestibility while retaining the health benefits associated with coffee and tea
Optimization of pectin extraction and development of pectin-alginate biofilm based on pectin from purple passion fruit peel (Passiflora edulis Sims)
Pectin is one of the most important and widely used polysaccharides in the food industry as a gelling agent, stabilizer, coagulant, etc. (Oliveira et al., 2016). Pectin is the methylated ester of polygalacturonic acid, which contains 1,4-linked α-D-galacturonic acid residues (Mesbahi et al., 2005). Pectin can be divided into two types based on the degree of esterification (DE): high-methoxyl pectin (DE > 50%) and low-methoxyl pectin (DE < 50%) (Mesbahi et al., 2005).