General introduction
Dean board
Scientific committee and assistants
Organization chart
Department of food processing technology
Deparment of postharvest technology
Department of biochemistry and food biotechnology
Department of food safety and quality management
Department of food science and nutrition
Central Laboratory of Food Science and Technology
Undergraduate training program
Training program
Expected learning outcomes
Course content and workload
Leaflet of courses 2021
Graduate training program
Research orientation
Research team
Research projects
International research projects
Vietnam - Belgium research projects granted by Belgium
Research projects granted by Govement -Ministry
Research projects granted by Province
Key research projects granted by Vnua
Research projects granted by Vnua
Student research projects
Scientific Paper
Scientific articles in the country
International scientific articles
Technology transfer
In vietnam
International cooperation
Luong dinh cua library and information center
Faculty documentation room
Trang chủ
General introduction
Dean board
Scientific committee and assistants
Department of food processing technology
Department of biochemistry and food biotechnology
Department of food science and nutrition
Department of food safety and quality management
Deparment of postharvest technology
Central laboratory of food science and technology
Undergraduate training program
Expected learning outcomes
Training program
Course portfolio
Leaflet of courses 2021
Graduate training program
Research orientation
Technology transfer
Research team
Scientific paper
Scientific articles in the country
International scientific articles
Research Projects
International research projects
Vietnam - Belgium research projects granted by Belgium
Research projects granted by Govement - Ministry
Research projects granted by Province
Key research projects granted by Vnua
Research projects granted by Vnua
Student research projects
Trang chủ
News and events
GMT +7
News and events
Artificial meat- Source of future protein
Artificial meats are conventional meat substitutes, providing proteins for the human body. Currently, scientists and some businesses around the world have researched to create some artificial meats from plants, from animal cells, from CO2. Artificial meat is in the form of a powder or formed in the form of a ball, bar, cake ...
Functions and absorption of bioactive peptides in small intestine
It is well known that a healthy diet plays an important role in disease prevention or modulation. For this reason, food scientists have researched physiological activities of food compounds, in particular, bioactive peptides from food proteins, which can exert positive physiological responses in the body upon their basic nutritional compositions in the provision of nitrogen and essential amino acids.
Sous vide - Advanced cooking technology to improve food quality
Sous vide - Advanced technology to improve food qualitySous vide is known to be one of the cooking techniques proposed in 1799 by Benjamin Thompson, but it was not until 1960 that the technique was applied by Americans and French to food preservation. By 1974, chef Georges Pralus working at the Troisgros restaurant (Roanne, France) has carefully applied Sous vide to cook foie gras.
Peeking into the synthesis of pigment of black soybeans
Anthocyanins are plant pigments with anti-oxidant activities. They are responsible for many of the red through purple to blue colors found in flowers, fruits, vegetables and roots
Chitosan and kappa carrageenan-based composite applied as multilayer coatings and films
Chitosan is a linear polyamine copolymer of β-(1-4)-D-glucosamine and acetyl β-(1-4)-D-glucosamine, obtained by alkaline N-deacetylation of chitin (Park et al., 2002). In chitin, the degree of acetylation (DA) is typically 0.90, while chitosan has a typical DA of less than 0.35.
KU Leuven and Vietnam: building the future together
Vietnam is an important partner country for KU Leuven. The number of joint research projects is on the rise and over 500 alumni of KU Leuven currently apply the knowledge they gained at the university in their home country. All the more reason to establish an alumni chapter and highlight this cooperation.
Go (over) easy on the eggs: 'Egg-cess' consumption linked to diabetes
Scrambled, poached or boiled, eggs are a popular breakfast food the world over. Yet the health benefits of the humble egg might not be all they're cracked up to be as new research from the University of South Australia shows that excess egg consumption can increase your risk of diabetes.
“Project Training course on knowledge and methodology to analyse the labour market” held at VNUA from 16-18 November 2020
Within the framework of the project “Labour Market Observatory in Vietnam universities”, project No. 609653-EPP-1-2019-1-IT-EPPKA2-CBHE-JP) (LAB-MOVIE) funded by the European Commission, the Vietnam National University of Agriculture (VNUA) held the “Project Training course on knowledge and methodology to analyse the labour market” from 16-18 November 2020 in Hanoi.
Researchers discover molecular link between diet and risk of colorectal cancer
The study was led by Dr. Vered Padler-Karavani of the Department of Cell Research and Immunology at the Shmunis School of Biomedicine and Cancer Research at Tel Aviv University's George S. Wise Faculty of Life Sciences. The results of the research were published on September 23, 2020, in BMC Medicine.
Bacteria in fermented food signal the human immune system, explaining health benefits
Consuming lactic acid bacteria that present in fermented milk (yogurt) and sauerkraut…, can offer many health benefits. The beneficial effects of lactic acid bacteria (LAB), permanently colonizing the human intestine or transiently obtained from food, have been extensively reported. However, scientists still don't understand, on a molecular level, why it is helpful to ingest these bacteria and how that affects our immune system.
Implementing the project: Curriculum Development in Agroecology (CDAE) – Eramus +
According to the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OCED), the agricultural ecosystem is to create and maintain a sustainable relationship between agriculture and the environment in order to ensure safe food sources that are beneficial to health and keep the environment clean (Crop Life Vietnam, 2018).